London Emmerich

Game & Web Developer

ChangelingVR Website

ChangelingVR is an upcoming VR game developed by students at RIT, and I worked in a team to develop the promotional website for the game. I worked with two others to develop the team page, which displays the profiles of everyone who's worked on the project. My job was to develop the filter system, as well as organize the page's css and ensure the page was responsive with no bugs. I also enhanced the existing Three.js game Kirsten Experience, remaking the level from scratch as well as adding a victory screen and additional UI elements like a pause button and collectable tracker.

the teampage, with filter section above profiles wide view of the level

Cube DropperĀ³

Cube DropperĀ³ is a Godot game I made for the 2024 GMTK Game Jam, then refined in the week afterwards. The game is based on Tetris, with different sized cubes instead of tetriminos. The idea is that cubes clear completely if even one row the cube is in is cleared, forcing the player to think about the size of the cubes. It is a simple game, but I'm proud of the fact that it made it in a week, including every asset accept for the soundtrack.

sample level instructions

Attack of the Bricks Demo

Attack of the Bricks is a Unity C# game I developed in my free time with assistance from one of my friends. The game is a twist on the brick breaker genre, combining it with a game like Space Invaders. This creates a game where you have to use brick breaker controls to protect yourself from an onslaught of bricks. However, here, you can aim where the ball goes. This is simply a demo of the game, showing off its base concepts as well as 10 fully playable levels.

bricks coming down the screen a harder level

Lights Out

Lights Out is a Unity C# game I made for a class with a group of four others. Based loosely on The Dresden Files, the game is a top-down shoot-em-up where the player has to survive eight waves of zombies while turning on all the lights in Chicago to stop the zombie invasion. I personally worked on the game direction and implemented the zombies, the wave system, and the game's scorekeeping.

main menu gameplay

Read Things Right

Read Things Right is a website I published through DreamHost, where I put together the best orders to read or watch components of multimedia franchises like the Marvel Cinematic Universe or Star Wars. I currently have a wide variety of orders across films, television, and comics, and plan to update the site regularly with more orders. I will be making all of this myself using html and css to generate usable and efficient pages.

reading order hubs example reading order